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好朋友健康会所获得了大理张建波医生、香港中文大学黄志威医生的大力支持,好朋友健康会由同志人群中的志愿者来担任主要工作,并以此模式获得可持续性的发展,同时也给同志朋友们提供一个温馨、规范、 便利的交流场所。通过接受过我们培训的各位同志朋友把性病/艾滋病知识传递其他同志人群当中。并尝试利用同志骨干的资源对暗娼、吸毒等其他高危人群对艾滋病进行健康干预。
好朋友健康会所——《朋友休闲吧》 提供酒水、小吃、茶饮等
2006年10月2日正式开业 营业时间:早上10点——晚12点
电话:0872-2671940 0872-6903326
The Good Friend Center
The Good Friend Center is a gay-community-oriented charitable project which differs from the average commercial clubs. It is sponsored by the British Barry & Martin’s Trust, and is a venue for healthcare promotion open to the gay community (or other high-risk populations).
The aim of the center is to help to raise the rate of using condoms and lubricants among gay populations in the Dali area and the neighboring counties; to heighten their knowledge level and ability of prevention against HIV/AIDS. The final aim is to scale down the number of HIV/AIDS infections. Through gay volunteers we will be able to bring as many as possible gay people to come and attend our instructive training sessions on the knowledge and prevention of HIV/AIDS. The center is a useful venue for the gay community, where certain recreational activities will be held and condoms will be distributed. A gay hot-line will be put in to handle inquires and questions on HIV/AIDS put up by gay people.
The Good Friend Center is backed up by doctor Zhang Jianbo in Dali and Dr. William Wong with the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is a good mode to have gay volunteers taking up the major posts in the center, which not only secures the sustainable development of the project but also creates a standard, convenient and stress-free place for friendly communication between gay people. Gay friends will receive training and then pass on the HIV/AIDS knowledge to other gay communities. We will also try to engage our resources of the backbone in the center in the healthcare prevention of HIV/AIDS among the prostitutes, drug-takes and other high-risk populations.